
京都府南丹市の美しい山間にある弊社が運営する農業生産法人です。 お客様から頂戴したリクエストに応じ、葉物野菜を中心とした生産を行っています。 土作りにこだわった土耕栽培による野菜は水耕とは異なる複雑な食味を実現。 ご好評いただいております。

Agricultural production corporation operated by our company in the beautiful mountains of Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture. We produce leafy vegetables according to customer requests. Vegetables by soil cultivation that are particular about soil making have a complex taste different from hydroponics. It has been well received.


お客様からのリクエストに応じて、年間作付計画を作り、必要に応じて周辺協力農家様の力を借りながら安定的な供給に努めています。 売り場の声を生かしたトレンド野菜の試験栽培等一歩先を見据えた栽培もおこない、バイヤーとの連携も密に行っております。

In response to requests from customers, we make annual cropping plans, and strive to provide a stable supply with the help of neighboring cooperative farmers as necessary. Cultivation with a view to the next step, such as trial cultivation of trendy vegetables utilizing the voice of the sales floor, is also carried out in close cooperation with buyers.